Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ethan Allen To Open Store in Las Vegas Design Center

Ethan Allen has announced they will open a new store in Building C of the World Market Center in Las Vegas open to consumers when the market is not in session. November Rawlings, a spokeswoman for Ethan Allen, was tied up and unavailable for comment when we caught up with her in Building C.
(photo above)
An Ethan Allen company spokesman was
briefly taken into custody by a state psychiatric
hospital after the announcement but has since been released.

Pressed for details by shareholders, Ethan Allen in a recent SEC filing said only, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and that may include a portion of or substantially all of our investment." Company officials were not available for further comment.

In conjunction with the new store, Ethan Allen will debut a new company logo and marketing campaign, 'Crazy Is The New Chic...only at Ethan Allen Las Vegas.' Company officials expect the store to be open by September of this year.

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